How to install applications in your iPod/iPhone
Hello, this is supposed to be a support thread for the "usual steps" to make when installing a cracked app.
You need a jailbroken iPhone/Pod with firmware 2.X (instructions can be found in a lot forums in the net)
You need a SSH server running on it. The most common is openSSH and it can be found on Cydia.
1) Download and extract the app from the supplied links
2) Upload your app to the /Applications folder of your iPhone.
3) Set the permissions of the app to 755 recursively.
4) Create a folder called “Documents” in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777.
5) Create a folder called “Documents” in the /Applications folder and set permissions
to 777.
This will fix the Disk Full error message seen when launching the game.
6) Reboot your Device.
SSH using the terminal.
This instructions are for those of you that feel comfortable around the terminal.
1) First you should find your device's IP. Under Settings->Wi-Fi-> Your Network
2) Then we copy the app to your phone using the scp utility.
#Assuming your app is in your desktop.#Password is alpine by defaultscp -r ~/Desktop/ root@your.device.ip:/Applications/
3) Then we go into the device and make the dirs, chmod as needed
ssh root@
#root@'s password:
cd /Applications
chmod -R 755
mkdir Documents
chmod 777 Documents/
cd /var/mobile/
mkdir Documents
chmod 777 Documents/
#Now respring with
killall SpringBoard
If the app still doesn't appear reboot your device.
SSH using Transmit
Connect to your device using SFTP.
The default password is alpine
Go to / and then Applications
Copy your app there and then change the permissions to 755 using the get info command.
Press Apply to enclosed items.
Create and change the permissions of the necessary folders using the same steps.
Now respring your device.
You have two options.
1. paste this in your terminal.
ssh root@your.device.ip killall SpringBoard
2. Install a Respring utility from Cydia.
Everything should be working now, if not try rebooting your device.
Hints If the file you downloaded is a .ipa instead of a .app you can extract the .app from there.
Rename the .ipa to .zip and unarchive it.There should be a "Payload" folder, inside there should be the .app, just ssh it over and your done.
How to install Applications on iPhone/iPodtouch using the IPA-Method
This is my preferred method cause once modified you can use iTunes to manage all the apps.
1) Using SSH (over Terminal or Transmit (Cyberduck)), on iPhone navigate to the folder:
2) Backup the file "MobileInstallation" from the directory above
3) Download this patched file -
4) Copy the patched file over to:
5) Set permissions to that new file to 775
6) Some of the apps need a Documents folder in the root and mobile partition:Create a
"Documents" folder in "/Applications" and "/var/mobile" and set permissions to 777.
7) Reboot your iPhone - Important! Otherwise your Apps will not install!
8) Simply start iTunes on your Mac and than drag and drop your cracked IPA's to the "Program list".
9) Sync your iPhone/iPodTouch with iTunes
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