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Holy Ramadan Guide eBook
This Holy Ramadan Guide eBook covers the following topics, with beautiful artistic illustrations:
- The Glorious Month of Ramadan
- Du'a (prayer) in the month of Ramadan
- The Prophet's (pbuh) preaching of Ramadan
- Imam Sajjad (pbuh) welcomes the Ramadan
- Ahadith on Fasting and Ramadan
- Eighteen reasons why a Muslim Fasts?
- F.A.Q on Ramadan
- F.A.Q on Zakat al-Fitra
- E'tikaf is a form of worship
- The Ramadan Checklist
- The New Moon
- New Moon-sighting Du'a
- Brief daily activities of Ramadan - 1/2
- Brief daily activities of Ramadan - 2/2
- Common A'amal of Qadr
- Iftar - Breaking the Fast
- Brief explanation of four Sura's
- Conclusion
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