50+ Cool BlackBerry Applications

1. Amazon Shopping Application - According to the company, that app was designed in response to the popularity of a similar program for the iPhone.Users can take pictures with their Blackberry and upload them to Amazon.com–the app will then attempt to find similar products in the store. Amazon App for BlackBerry also features one click purchasing with Amazon Prime, package tracking, personalized recommendations, Wish List, and more.
2. Pandora for BlackBerry – Pandora Radio is your own FREE personalized radio now available to stream music on your BlackBerry. Just start with the name of one of your favorite artists, songs or classical composers and Pandora will create a “station” that plays their music and more music like it.
3. BBNotePad - BBNotePad is a free text file editor/creator application for BlackBerry. It simply lets you save, edit, & create text files on your BlackBerry SD card or memory. The developer also added some more functionality in this release.
4. Palringo – Multiplatform instant messaging software. With this you can chat to all your friends on Facebook, iChat and QQ. Plus with location you can see where your friends or colleagues are in real-time making it really easy to arrange to meet up.
5. BBScreenShooter – BBScreenShooter is a small tool to capture the current screen of Blackberry. This is useful to e.g. create documentation.
6. Tellme - With Tellme on your mobile phone, you can find the nearest businesses based on your GPS location and also get maps, directions, and traffic information right on your screen! Just say it and see it. Click here to see if your mobile phone is ready for Tellme. Also, you can always call Tellme from any phone. Say what you want and hear the results.
7. BeeTag – Multitag barcode reader for BlackBerry smartphones, supporting the most popular 2D Codes. After scanning the app displays product information, text and URL info for the products.
8. Google Apps – Experience the benefits of Google Apps with the BlackBerry experience you’re already accustomed to. Integrate the Google Apps messaging suite with BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), letting employees use built-in BlackBerry applications for access to their Google Apps email, calendar, and contacts.
9. Beyond 411 – Beyond411 provides free and convenient mobile search, including yellow pages, maps, driving directions, white pages, web search, and more.
10. BlackBerry Messenger – BlackBerry Messenger is a proprietary Instant Messenger application included on newer model BlackBerry devices. This app allows you to stay in contact with your BlackBerry-using friends without getting charged for text messaging by your cell phone provider. It uses the BlackBerry OS’s PIN to send messages back and forth.
11.Bolt Browser - If you find the default BlackBerry Web browser too slow, Bolt is offering a faster alternative. This browser loads fast and utilizes similar shortcuts as the Opera Mini to scroll, zoom, and navigate through Web pages.
12. Opera Mini – RIM bundles a halfway-decent Web browser with its latest handsets. But for real speed and desktop page rendering power, install Opera Mini 4.2. It offers RSS feed support, an easy-to-use zoom box, a switchable mobile view, and flexible bookmark management. Opera Mini lacks comprehensive Adobe Flash support, but so does every other phone browser on the market.
13. Caffeine Finder Freeware – If you’re a coffee fanatic like me, you’d find this app very useful. It lets you search for the nearest coffee shops or cafes from more than 45,000 locations. Like Fast Food Finder, the app also features directional map and addresses of the coffee shops.
14. CellFire – This application sends virtual coupons to your cell phone, and each has a unique five-digit code, which you can show to store clerks. Sign up by visiting www.cellfire.com on your BlackBerry or notebook and selecting your BlackBerry and carrier. To update your coupons, simply open the CellFire software and select “Update Coupons.” The list of available offers appears with each company’s logo. The latest version lets you find and store coupons online and automatically sync them to your BlackBerry. While still in its budding stages, the company has deals with Domino’s Pizza, McDonald’s, Sears, and more than a dozen other companies. However, you won’t find coupons from local businesses yet.
15. Capture It – This helps you to capture images of your BlackBerry’s screen and saves them as .jpg file.
16. Google Maps Mobile – Many of today’s BlackBerry handsets come with built-in GPS. Even control freak Verizon Wireless is beginning to loosen its restrictions on which applications can make use of it. One of the best is Google Maps for Mobile, which offers most of what you love about the desktop version—including satellite views, turn-by-turn directions, and local business searching—and adds a GPS-enabled, location-based search component for use with your BlackBerry.
17. Facebook – Facebook for BlackBerry isn’t perfect—it’s still essentially the same app it was when it was released over a year ago. As a result, it doesn’t handle comments, hidden feed items, or any other recent Facebook changes on the desktop. But the native mobile app is still the fastest way to check your friends’ status updates, send messages, and upload photos right
18. Fast Food Finder Freeware – Looking for a place to grab a bite or get a drink? This app will help you find the closest fast food chain using your phone’s GPS. It provides maps, address and directions to the fast food where you want to go.
19. Gmail Client - Gmail client is the next most useful and must-have Google app for your BlackBerry. This app gives you almost the same functionality as the Web-based Gmail by giving you access to your contact list, sent and archived mail as well as the labels functionality.
20. Google Latitude – Latitude allows a mobile phone user to allow certain other people on his or her Gmail contact list to track where he or she is. These people can track the user (or more accurately, his or her phone) on Google Maps via their own iGoogle accounts. The user can control the accuracy and details of what each of the other users can see — an exact location can be allowed, or it can be limited to identifying the city only.
21. Google Maps – This is not as powerful as the Web-based Google Maps app and the iPhone apps, but it manages to bring Google Maps service effectively to your BlackBerry.
22. Google Mobile - Helps you to get the whole Google experience right on your BlackBerry mobile. It has Gmail, Google Maps and Google Sync plus links to Google’s mobile-optimized Web services such as Web search, Google Reader, Google Docs and Picasa.
23. Google Talk – You also need to communicate with your non-BlackBerry using friends. This app sports an interface similar to the BlackBerry Messenger and is as robust as other paid IM client for the BlackBerry.
24. ShoZu - ShoZu makes sending your BlackBerry pictures to your favorite social networking sites—including Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, WordPress, and YouTube—easy. Once you’ve installed the application and chosen your destinations, each time you take a picture or record video, you’ll be able to upload that media to them. We like that on a Symbian S60 ShoZu automatically asks to upload a new photo to your site of choice; on a BlackBerry, however, you have select which social networking sites to use for each upload. You can also use ShoZu for BlackBerry to add descriptions and titles to your photos before uploading them, but we weren’t able to read comments on the photos or geotag them from our BlackBerry—two features we were able to use on the S60 version and we hope will be added before ShoZu leaves beta.
25. GridMagic Community Edition -GridMagic (formerly MiniExcel) is an advanced spreadsheet application that is optimized and designed specially for BlackBerry smartphones. Lets you run complex calculations and organize some information into tables. It also lets you do the usual spreadsheet functions like freeze pane, select row or column, and copy-and-paste.
26. iSkoot – With iSkoot for Skype, you can make & receive Skype calls, chat, and use SkypeOut to call regular numbers anywhere in the world. And with our newly enhanced feature set, now you can easily place SkypeOut calls to anyone in your general address book, and enjoy cool new Skype chat features like emoticons and multi-party chat. What’s really great about iSkoot: unlike other mobile Skype apps, iSkoot is a thin client – so it won’t take up loads of memory or eat up your battery power.
27. Where for BlackBerry - WHERE is the easiest and fastest way to get the GPS content you want on your phone. Download WHERE to get a library of FREE widgets that find the hottest events, the best prices, where to get a good sandwich or even your local weather report.
28. WorldMate Live - A useful app specifically for the road warriors, WorldMate Live delivers content and services to your BlackBerry device including itineraries, flights, hotel information, meetings, public transportation and car rental information.
29. Jaikuberry – JaikuBerry is a small blackberry software application which allows you to blog about your real life through your blackberry. From now on you will always be able to share your life with your friends, even when you are at the other side of the world
30. JapbLite BlackBerry Personal Money Manager – The idea behind JabpLite has been to write a sophisticated personal finance program in Java MIDP which will work on a range of devices including Symbian phones and the Blackberry. This is a robust personal finance app for your BlackBerry. This app features multiple accounts, investment tracking, future balance calculations, net worth calculation, foreign currency accounts with automatic revaluation, regular transactions, standing orders, and default and user-defined categories.
31. Mobipocket Reader - Given the fact that BlackBerry devices are not the best for eBook reading, this app fully utilizes the devices display to bring you a decent reading experience. And since it supports the .mobi format, you are assured that you’ll have plenty of eBook titles to chose from and download on your BlackBerry devices. You can also convert PDFs or Word files on your PC and transfer them to your BlackBerry device.
32. TwitterBerry - Twitter addicts know that a key purpose of the service is to stay in touch with your friends and colleagues on the go. While you can do that with SMS messages or Twitter’s WAP page, TwitterBerry is a far better way. The app aggregates status updates and offers simple, one-click delivery of your all-important 140-character missives—perfect for that inspired existential insight that pops into your head while you’re waiting in line at the bank.
33. PocketMac for BlackBerry - Sync your Mac & BlackBerry device for Free. PocketMac is a robust app that synchronizes your address book, calendar, tasks, notes, and email between your BlackBerry and Mac.
34. Slacker Radio To listen to music on the go, you have two options. You can set up playlists, transfer music via memory cards, get bored and do it all again next week. Or you can listen to Slacker, which hooks into your desktop Web account and gives you an unlimited supply of new tunes. Get all of the surprise of a veteran DJ’s picks with very few of the commercials. And you can cache channels to play later when you don’t have a signal.
35. Ka-Glom! - Definitely a time killer, this Tetris-type game is one of BlackBerry’s finest.
36. Poynt – Poynt for BlackBerry is a free local search utility that rivals Beyond 411. Poynt pretty much gives you the same information but is a lot prettier. It lets you browse by genre and even review the current top 10 movies. The app also supports GPS location search and integrates with BlackBerry Maps.
37. Quick Pull – If you don’t have the patience to manually pull out the battery to give your BlackBerry a rest from time to time, Quick Pull will do it for you. It offers the same functionality as pulling your battery.
38. Stock Viewer - This BlackBerry app lets you continuously retrieve stock quotes coming from NYSE and NASDAQ. It also gives you some headline news. The app is designed to work with BlackBerry 7xxx, 8xxx, 9xxx models.
39. WorldMate Live - You might never miss a flight again with WorldMate Live. The free version provides you with itineraries for your hotel and flight, world clocks, a currency converter, weather forecasts, and more.
If you’re a frequent traveler, the Gold Membership ($99 per year) lets you view up-to-the-minute flight status to find out whether your departure is on time. If your flight is a no-go, you can use the flight schedules feature paired with the travel directory to find a new flight and call the airline in a snap. A free Outlook add-on automatically syncs your travel plans once they arrive in your inbox.
40. Talklock - This app locks up your BlackBerry device when making a call and unlocks it when your call is finished. This prevents you from touching the screen and activating another application while making your call.
41. Tiny Tweeter - Another Twitter app for your BlackBerry devices, Tiny Tweeter lets you tweet throughout the day and keep updated with the people you are following. You can customize your Twitter interface as well by setting font settings, sync settings, UI settings and more.
42. Viigo - Viigo is one of the best mobile RSS reader applications we’ve ever used. You can add any Web site with an RSS feed, or choose from a host of recommended feeds in various Viigo categories, ranging from “Popular Blogs” like BoingBoing.com to lifestyle or finance feeds such as MarketWatch.com. Stories are updated automatically every 30 minutes, sometimes more infrequently, but you can choose to refresh a channel manually to reel in the latest news.
43. AOL Instant Messenger - AOL Instant Messenger™ for BlackBerry® smartphones can combine the fun and functionality of instant messaging (IM) with powerful BlackBerry smartphones to deliver on-the-go IM with many of the desktop features you love
44. Vlingo - Vlingo, the world’s most popular voice application, lets you control your BlackBerry with the power of voice. With Vlingo, you can simply speak to your phone to send a text or email message, call a friend, search the mobile web, update your social status, and more.
45. WebMessenger - This will helps you to chat with friends whether they are on AOL, Google, ICQ, Jabber, Skype, Yahoo and MSN. It imports your contact list from those IM clients and allows you to set your status, see who’s online and of course chat with them for as long as you want.
46. Yahoo Go – Get access to work, home and your personal life, with the best of Yahoo!, designed to work on your BlackBerry. Stay connected with Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo! Messenger, and get seamless access to friends, family and your life on your phone. Snap a photo and post it from wherever you are with the Flickr® uploader. Find what you need with Yahoo! oneSearch™, and Yahoo! oneSearch with voice—giving you fast access to the answers you want when you’re mobile. Bring together everything that matters to you with Yahoo! Go™, offering you up-to-the minute news, weather, sports—and more—on your BlackBerry.
47. Yahoo Messenger Client - Not wanting to be outdone by Google, Yahoo also released its own free BlackBerry IM client. And it works and function similarly as the Gmail client. This app is a must have for YM fans.
48. Ticketmaster – Out with the guys making plans to hit the next Yankees home game? Lots of mobile sites let you get concert and sports event info on the go, but few make it as easy to buy tickets on the spot as Ticketmaster for BlackBerry. Within moments, I was able to bring up plenty of events and check available seating for different ticket configurations—that is, once I scrolled past pages and pages of legalese. (Man, what a buzzkill!)
49. Bloomberg – This isn’t your garden-variety Web shortcut. Bloomberg offers a condensed version of the classic black Bloomberg terminal screen, with detailed indices, graphs, and moving currency data, along with an up-to-date index of top worldwide financial news stories. As useful as it is, you may want to limit your exposure given the depressing state of today’s
50. MySpace – Facebook may be winning the buzz race these days, but MySpace is still pulling in well over 50 million unique visitors each month. It’s similar to the Facebook app; users can send messages, update mood and status, view or send bulletins, and post photos. It’s also faster and easier to navigate than the site’s WAP page.
51. Yahoo oneSearch with Voice - Yahoo oneSearch with Voice, powered by Vlingo, provides amazing voice-to-text support by searching through Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, and the rest of the Web to answer any question you may have. You can ask for everything from restaurant listings and movie showtimes to sports scores and flight status updates.
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